AIA® – Augmented Intelligence Assistants

AIA® is short for Augmented Intelligence Assistants. Based on well-founded data and holistic knowledge, these thinking assistants strengthen the decision-making ability, design freedom of users and increase the efficiency of their daily work.

Unlike pure AI (artificial intelligence) or artificial intelligence applications, these "thinking assistants" do not make their own decisions. Instead, they assist the user, by guiding them through the respective process steps and thus facilitate a wide variety of tasks. The benefits in practice: All workflows and processes in sales, marketing, service, support, and project and product management are transparently automated and accelerated.

Likewise, business decisions can be made more easily thanks to an expanded knowledge base. At the same time, internal and external coordination processes are optimized. Organizational challenges and bottlenecks that used to cost valuable time are resolved with the support of AIA®. In this way, the customer-centric customer journey takes center stage holistically in communications with customers.

Our AIA®

A variety of intelligent wizards is directly integrated in the CRM, XRM and CPQ solutions from CAS Software AG providing user support across numerous scenarios.


Jump-start assistant

The start-up assistant offers quick, timesaving orientation right from the start - especially for the inspiring onboarding of new employees.

CAS Card Scanner

It's even easier to capture new business contacts on the go directly in the CRM + AIA® solution using the integrated CAS Card Scanner.

Picasso search

In daily use, the AI-based Picasso search suggests search results to the user which are based on individual search behavior making the results from the CRM more and more accurate in relation to customers and projects.

Sales Opportunity Assistant

The sales opportunity wizard simplifies and accelerates lead management in sales.

E-mail campaign assistant

The e-mail campaign assistant supports the creation and sending of personalized serial e-mails to provide customers with even more targeted information.

Relationship Assistant

Another AIA® enables customer satisfaction to be measured on the basis of the "fan principle".



AIA® Optimization

With AIA® Optimization the Vivi AI assistant provides support in the form of tailor-made configuration recommendations. Vivi uses existing configuration data from previous customer interactions to make configuration option recommendations, which match the preferences and priorities of the customer. On this basis, the sales staff in the sales process are provided with helpful and optimal recommendations for a configuration. Regardless of during or after the quote creation process – AIA® Optimization promotes both up- and cross-selling in sales teams. 

In addition, AIA® Optimization can be used to tailor offers specifically to customer requirements by defining optimization criteria such as sustainability, delivery times or sales targets such as margins. Based on the weighting, existing offers are optimized and ideal configurations are created.

AIA® Collaboration

AIA® Collaboration supports interdepartmental collaboration by enabling clear, joint quote preparation involving all the experts at every step of the quotation process. Direct coordination with the customer and the processing of specific quote components in the form of a digital quote reduce the time required for coordination and make work processes more efficient. The result, a consistent customer journey which makes the most of any opportunities for both up- and cross-selling.

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