Privacy Policy CAS genesisWorld
SmartDesign Mobile App
CAS genesisWorld is a server-based application of CAS Software AG for your CRM and xRM. As a further client for your daily work, we provide you with a mobile app, which you can download to your mobile device. If you do so, the rights described here apply.
Responsible authority
Manufacturer of the app:
CAS Software AG
CAS-Weg 1-5
76131 Karlsruhe
represented by chairman Martin Hubschneider.
Installing the app
When downloading the app, the information necessary for downloading is transmitted to the app store you have selected. You can learn which information is transmitted in the terms of use of the respective Apple, Google, and Microsoft app stores. We do not control and are not responsible for this data collection.
We do not further process or save the data that is collected.
Required permissions
If in use, the app requires the following permissions solely for the following purposes:
- Network connection
To validate your user account and to access your data, the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App requires access to the CAS genesisWorld Server of your organization via the network. - Phone
To be able to call contacts from within the app - Photos/Media/Files
To be able to upload photos you have already taken from your mobile device to the server of your organization - Device ID and call information
Are used for anonymous statistics in the app stores
Optionally, the app requires the following permissions:
- Location data (via GPS)
- Device ID and call information
For the proximity search - Camera
To be able to upload photos
If you decline the optional permissions, you cannot use the corresponding functions of the app. You can grant or decline the permissions in the settings later on. If you permit access to those data and functions, the app will only access the data if it is necessary for executing those functions.
Required data for using the app
To be able to use our services, you must have a CAS genesisWorld account. This account is created for you and assigned to you by an administrator of your organization. Furthermore, the administrator must assign you a dedicated license to use the app.
- Tenant
For clear identification at the CAS genesisWorld Server of your organization - Server
Internet address of the CAS genesisWorld Server of your organization - User name
For clear identification at the CAS genesisWorld Server of your organization - Password
Your personal password, which you or your administrator have defined for yourself to use CAS genesisWorld, is also required to log on to the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App. If you change your password, the new password also applies to the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App. Please keep your password confidential to protect your CAS genesisWorld account. You are responsible for the activities on and of your CAS genesisWorld account. Please do not use the password of your CAS genesisWorld account for third-party services. If you notice unauthorized use of your password or your CAS genesisWorld account, please inform your administrator immediately.
If you use biometric logon, the app accesses a native system function of your mobile device. Only the success or failure of the authorization check is transmitted to the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App.
Personal data
Personal data you record and edit using the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App are only saved on the servers of your organization. No personal data is transmitted to us or third parties by using CAS genesisWorld.
Data transmission to third parties
The data you entered in the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App remain in your organization. Please consult third-party data protection regulations if you deploy third-party extensions for your CAS genesisWorld.
Feedback functions
Activating automatic error reports
To support us in the further development of the CAS genesisWorld SmartDesign Mobile App, you can automatically send us error reports. You can activate anonymous error reports under "Settings" > "App information". For us to be able to understand the context of your feedback, the following data are transmitted along with your feedback:
- Manufacturer of the mobile device
- Type of mobile device
- Installation ID (number randomly generated in the app, which does not allow for an allocation of device and person and is only valid per installation)
- Operating system and installed version
- App version
- Error report without personal data, for error tracking
- Date and time
The feedback is transmitted anonymously and the use of the function must be permitted.
Log files
In addition to the automatic error reports, you can send us an error log (log file) any time. Under "Settings" > "App information", you can send us a log file via e-mail using the "Show log" button. For us to be able to understand the context of your feedback, the following data are transmitted along with your feedback:
- Is your mobile device a smartphone or a tablet
- Network connection (WLAN or Internet): yes or no
- Language
- App version
- Biometric logon: on or off
- Server version
- Error in the app, anonymous
- Offline: on or off, incl. error messages
- Used data
The log file is transmitted anonymously, and the use of the function is voluntary. You can send the file to yourself at any time.
When writing your feedback, please keep in mind not to include any personal data. This applies to the text as well as other data, for example, screenshots you send to us. Any feedback is sent to us as an encrypted text message and is saved for the purpose of feedback review. Please note that you will not receive an answer to your feedback.
Communication channels
If you want to contact CAS Software AG, send us an e-mail to
Contact data: data protection officer
Thomas Heimhalt (External data protection officer)
Changes or adjustments to the privacy statement
The privacy statement is currently valid and dated November 19th, 2019.
Due to legal changes, or the further development of our app, or the implementation of new technology, it might be necessary to adjust this privacy statement to current circumstances. Only the privacy statement which can be accessed at the time of your visit is valid.